Tag: Spliffy Dan

  • WATCH THIS: Addis Pablo ft. Shanique Marie “From Morning” Official Music Video

    WATCH THIS: Addis Pablo ft. Shanique Marie “From Morning” Official Music Video

    Boomshots Premieres A Hot Dub Collaboration

    We last met up with Addis Pablo in 2017, at the Greensleeves Records 40th Anniversary on his dad, Augustus Pablo’s birthday, June 21.  He spoke of how his dad taught him all the basic chords and melodies and how he was working very hard to become his “own creative force.” Since then Addis Pablo paid tribute to his father in 2018, alongside his sister, Isis Swaby at the Apple Store New York in Williamsburg, drawing a diverse crowd of VP Records executives and “The Nomads.” Now he releases the visual for “From Morning,” a collaboration with Shanique Marie, and a single off his Majestic Melodies EP.   Interview and Video After The Jump
