Stylo Tells The ReggaeGirlAboutTown All About “Dash Out”
In the midst of all London Olympics madness, Boomshots UK Correspondent Reshma B caught up with Stylo G at the Puma Yard in London’s Brick Lane, where he and his bredren Stamma Kid were set to perform. The Jamacican-born UK artist told the ReggaeGirlAboutTown all about his future projects, including his hot new single with Chip, “Dash Out.” The sexy new “Dash Out” music video will premiere on later today. In the meantime check out the reasoning with Reshma B. Video interview after the jump…
Tag: Stamma Kid
INTERVIEW: Reasoning With Stylo G
Jillionaire’s Guided Tour of The Puma Yard
The Reggae Girl About Town Checks Out The Chillest Spot In London, Hails Up Stylo G & Stamma Kid
With Usain Bolt racking up Olympic Gold and Jamaica celebrating its golden anniversary, today’s a beautiful day to hit up The Puma Yard. But if you can’t make it all the way to London, don’t worry—Boomshots has got your back. UK Correspondent Reshma B, aka “The Reggae Girl About Town,” trekked over to Brick Lane in East London, where all the cool kids are taking in the games whilst enjoying some reggae music, fresh gear, rum cocktails, and veggie curry. Reshma’s guide for this exclusive behind-the-scenes tour is none other than our favorite Trini Bad Bwoy Jillionaire of the Major Lazer posse. (By the way 2012 also marks 50 years of independence for Trinidad & Tobago—if ya don’t know now ya know you Imps!) Along the way, Reshma gets the scoop on the next Major Lazer single “Bubble Butt,” and even runs into two of the hottest artists in the UK right now. (more…)