Tag: Room In My Father’s House

  • WATCH THIS: Kassiano “Room In My Father’s House” Official Music Video

    WATCH THIS: Kassiano “Room In My Father’s House” Official Music Video

    While Trump Spreads Fear And Division, Reggae Music Offers A Different Message

    The whole world is feeling shaky today as the U.S.A.’s 45th President takes the oath of office amidst protests as cries of “Not my President” clash with “America first.” The impulse to resist what’s happening is strong, but what’s the best way? The Jamaican-born Mexico-based reggae singer Kassiano has a unique perspective on things—since he is both black and lives in the first country that candidate Trump vilified in his campaign of hate and fear. “There is room in my father’s house for everyone,” Kassiano sings in this roots reggae anthem recorded in Jamaican in 2014 at Mikey Bennett’s studio featuring the talents of Dean Fraser on saxophone. The song’s lyrics envision a world of abundance as God intended rather than the zero sum game posited by fearmongering politicians. “We are spiritual beings having a human experience,” says Kassiano, who is also a noted spiritual healer. “Be still and connect to the source of God within you.” Spreading unity and resisting the urge to fight—what a concept! Kassiano’s message is right on time. Turn this up loud. Audio After The Jump…