Tag: Paper

  • HEAR THIS: Serani “Paper”

    When It Comes To Handling His Business, The Singer Is Playing No Games
    Remember last July when Serani broke away from the Daseca production team? At the time the situation seemed like an amicable split. “I’ve watched my partners Craig and David grow substantially through sheer hard work,” Serani said at the time. “I believe that I should give them room to spread their wings… They’re very very talented brothers. I just believe that maybe we’d be better off doing out own thing. I’m not saying Daseca is split for good. Who knows what can happen in years to come? Craig and David are like my brothers, so no split and no negative vibe.” Well, that was then. But today we received a new tune from Serani’s Rockstone Media that tells a different story. Although no names are mentioned, it seems like this one might be directed at his former partners. He even references the early Serani & Bugle hit “Doh” and updates the line, saying “Me never know some of me friend dem no like me.” Check the tune and decide for yourself. Audio After The Jump… 
