Epic Two-Part Video Takes Elly & Crew From The Swamp Around The World And Back

You’ve gotta love the new Elephant Man video from Terminal 4 Media. Not just because it’s hilarious seeing Elly and Ding Dong and Keiva and the Ravers Clavers crawling in the primordial ooze like a bunch of swamp creatures. And not just because they so clean up in the second half of the video, trash and ready and bush to the bone ready to floss around the world in yet another dancehall version of Psy’s runaway hit “Gangnam Style.” And not just because it’s great to hear Elly singing a ridiculous dancehall instructional video all hoarse and off-key and not giving a frack like in the good ol’ days. It’s a little bit of all those things, actually. “How dem say Ding Dong stop dance?” Elly asks, outraged. “A lie dem ah tell!” As silly as these songs are—and make no mistake, they’re pretty silly—there’s a serious subtext behind the whole thing. “Mek we bring back the dancehall,” Elly sings on the delightfully ear-splitting hook. “Mek we show dem how it used to be.” Which means you’ve got to come with a new style. Even if it means making up your face like a reptile and crawling in the mud. And of course “Badman Style” isn’t exactly new. Psy did it first. Then Mega Banton, Singer J, and G-Loc brought it into the dancehall. But theirs was more of a bad man badman thing. And you already know Elly’s thing is a dancing thing. As in not taking oneself too seriously. As in embracing the inherent silliness of the whole thing. As in having fun again. Just like it used to be. Video After The Jump… (more…)