WATCH THIS: Judith Gayle “Incredible Love” Official Music Video

A Song that Addresses Suicide From A Spiritual Perspective

Lent  is the 40 days preceding Easter, when Christians all over the world, reflect on their own lives and the life of Jesus Christ. People commemorate the life and crucifixion of Jesus Christ by fasting and praying. During Lent, Jesus was tempted by Satan and many feel that this spiritual season marks a period of spiritual turmoil. In light of this time and the fact that suicide is the second leading cause of death of persons between the ages of 15 and 34 and  the U.S. suicide rate is at the highest level in 30 years,  we wanted to present a video which addresses suicide from a spiritual point of view. Judith Gayle’s video for “Incredible Love,” starring Jermaine “Zbek ” Nelson,  let’s people know they are not alone in a world of scrutiny and constant pressure. More After The Jump…

Directed by Ariff Butler of Bloozick Filmworks, Zbek prays to God in agony because of the difficulties in his life. The actor parallels Jim Caviezel in Passion of The Christ as he portrays Jesus praying to God in distress in the Garden of Gethsemane. In both scenes, the character questions why God has “forsaken me.” Then the soothing vocals by Judith Gayle and comforting lyrics of the song, averts  Zbek’s character from ending his life.


If you are feeling like life is not worth living anymore or have a thought or plan to end your life, help is available and you are not alone. Please call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273 -TALK (8255) or the Online Crisis Chat. This service is free and confidential.

Inspiration For This Article: When I was conducting interview for  “Dameon Gayle: Beyond the Lens,”  Dameon mentioned that his favorite video was “Gyal a Bubble” by Konshens and spoke of memories of the Konshen’s brother, artist Delus (Delmark Spence) who was  his dear friend.

Delus ended his life on June 22, 2016.  I want to send my sincere condolences on behalf of Boomshots Magazine to his family and everyone who knew him.  I write this article in honor of his life and to create awareness of this issue. –Angel


Suicide Facts At A Glance (2015) : Center for Disease Control

“U. S. Suicide Rate Surges to A 30- Year High” by Sabrina Tavernise,  New York Times, April 2016.

Written By: Angel Love @LoveDeepAngel

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2 responses to “WATCH THIS: Judith Gayle “Incredible Love” Official Music Video”

  1. Lei Grant Avatar
    Lei Grant

    Kudos to Angel Love her article gave me a great perspective on the Incredible Love video very insightful

  2. Nakiisha D. Avatar
    Nakiisha D.

    I love how it gave the video purpose beyond being just another gospel video. Ppl don’t pay attention to gospel videos and mostly because them usually shallow and empty. But this reporter went deeper and saw how it could be applied to real life issues that people tackle with, like suicide and depression. And it recognizes that spirituality is still a means of release and comfort for a lot of people.
    Best of all the review of Zbek’s acting really impressed me. It must have made you blush Jermaine. I like this article.

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