Tivoli Gardens Massacre Was Caught On Tape

Official Documents Reveal U.S. Spy Plane Was “Filming Continuously”

An article in The New Yorker magazine titled “A Massacre In Jamaica,” states that an American spy plane monitored the incursion into Tivoli Gardens on May 24, 2010—a failed attempt to capture Christopher ‘Dudus’ Coke, the Tivoli don facing drug and weapons charges in the U.S. At least 74 people were killed during the joint police/military operation.

According to the investigative report by Mattathias Schwartz, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (D.H.S) flew a Lockheed P-3 Orion above downtown Kingston on May 24 “in support of the D.E.A Drug Enforcement Agency and the Jamaican government.”

The new report contradicts official statements by Jamaican government officials who have denied the presence of any U.S. spy plane. During a May 25, 2010 press conference at Jamaica House, then Minister of Information Daryl Vaz stated that “there was no outside assistance in this operation, that is for sure.”

But The New Yorker article is backed up by an official D.H.S incident report obtained through the Freedom of Information Act. “All scenes were continuously recorded,” reads the document titled a “Significant Incident Report.” If the video is made public, the questions about what really happened during the Tivoli incursion may be answered once and for all. Read more about the implications of the new article below:

ABSTRACT: A REPORTER AT LARGE about the deaths of more than seventy people during a police and military assault on the Tivoli Gardens neighborhood of Kingston, Jamaica, in May of 2010. The trouble that led to the Tivoli Gardens deaths began in August, 2009, when the United States government requested the extradition of Christopher (Dudus) Coke. In the U.S., Coke stood charged in federal court of trafficking in narcotics and firearms; in Jamaica, he was known as the country’s most powerful “don,” a community leader who also runs a criminal enterprise. He lived in Tivoli, where everyone called him “president,” and, since 2001, Jamaican police had not been able to enter the neighborhood without his permission. Coke’s power was so great that Prime Minister Bruce Golding spent months resisting the extradition order. But in early May, 2010, under heavy international political pressure, Golding authorized Coke’s arrest. In response, Coke converted Tivoli and nearby Denham Town into a personal fortress. No fewer than seventy-four people were killed in the operation to arrest Christopher Coke and extradite him to the United States—one soldier and seventy-three civilians. Among the dead were at least three women and one United States citizen. Three more residents of Tivoli Gardens, including a sixteen-year-old boy, are missing and presumed dead. The Jamaican security forces say that many of the dead were armed gunmen allied with Coke, but the security forces recovered only six guns during the assault. According to extensive interviews with Tivoli Gardens residents and Jamaican officials, the resistance that the security forces encountered in Tivoli was quickly overpowered. Coke and most of his gunmen are believed to have fled when the siege began, escaping through a network of gullies and sewers. The rest of the battle was not a firefight so much as a police operation. The security forces rounded up residents and conducted searches from house to house. Unarmed men of fighting age were interrogated on the spot, and more than a thousand were sent to detention centers, from which they were released a few days later. Dozens were allegedly shot to death in custody. A year and a half later, the Jamaican government has refused to make public what it knows about how the men and women of Tivoli died. So has the government of the United States, despite clear evidence that a U.S. surveillance plane flying above Kingston on May 24th was taking live video of Tivoli and that intelligence from the video feed was passed through U.S. law enforcement officers to Jamaican forces on the ground, and that the Department of Homeland Security has a copy of this video. The video could corroborate, or refute, allegations that members of the Jamaican security forces massacred dozens of innocents, and could help identify the alleged killers. A month after the attack on Tivoli, the Jamaica Constabulary Force caught Coke at a roadblock. Since late June, he has been held at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in lower Manhattan.


5 responses to “Tivoli Gardens Massacre Was Caught On Tape”

  1. COLIN SMIKLE Avatar


  2. tamo Avatar

    The people of Tivoli were saying up to two days before the operation them going kill police and soldiers a day after they bawled murder what of the countless people murdered by Tivoli men over the years . who crying for their justice I have a few friends from there and they tell horrible stories women raped men murdered

  3. earl allen Avatar
    earl allen

    Can any heads of governments in Jamaica can be charge for crimes against humanity like how other presidents and other heads of state in other countries has been charge? NO because the Paul Bogle rebellion syndrome still has an effect on England, When Paul Bogle led the rebellion on the parliament that day and 29 white men were killed, and later in that afternoon the place were bomb and 3000 odd people were killed by the British. So these headless chickens who”re governing this island can commit crimes against the people and never will face any courts of justice because they”re paying homage to England when they killed black people in the name of the Queen.

  4. karen Avatar

    We in jamaica need to use laws we must stop passing them and not using them

  5. Tex Avatar

    There was absolutely NO need for members of the Security Forces to murder and slaughter over 70 (But closer to 150) Jamaican citizens in 2010. Even where foreign terrorists have seized planes or buildings in counties all over the world, Governments have NEVER recklessly stormed planes or buildings resulting in the deaths of dozens (Or 150) of their own citizens. Let us remember, the Security Forces were instructed to apprehend JUST ONE PERSON! Therefore any reasonable, responsible government displaying a ‘duty of care’ to its own citizens would have 1) First sent in undercover Police into Tivoli Gardens to infiltrate and locate Mr Coke. This should have been done WITHOUT alerting residents of Tivoli Gardens that the Security Forces were going to raid the area. 2) Once Mr Coke was located then 12 to 20 armed, tactical, special undercover Police (Or Military) should have been sent into the area to grab/seize Mr Coke and whisk him out of Tivoli Gardens. Yes, it may have taken a few weeks to plan, gather the intelligence and execute the operation, but then ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY JAMAICANS WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN SLAUGHTERED BY THE JAMAICAN STATE! The Government and state of Jamaica FAILED the Jamaican people and those responsible i.e. the Politicians who gave instructions and any offending members of the Security Forces should be made to PAY a heavy price be that billions of dollars in compensation and/or face lengthy terms in prison!!!

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