“They Don’t Really Care About Us” on the Street Bullies riddim
Big Yard’s latest juggling is the Street Bullies riddim. The track was built by Tony Kelly, who’s worked with some of the biggest names in dancehall and pop. But you never heard the King of Pop shock out in the dance like this before.
It’s only right for Shaggy and Michael to be on the same riddim since MJJ invited the Shagsman to be part of his celebrity tribute concert at Madison Square Garden in 2001. This riddim is hard, and so are Michael’s lyrics of fury. This one goes out to Martin Bashir and all the other bottom-feeding journalists who made Mr. Jackson’s last decade on earth such a nightmare. Run the track…
[audio:https://www.boomshots.com/tunes/TheyDon’tCareAboutUsRemix.mp3]By special request, here’s a link to dungload the track.
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